Bloomberg: I have two questions regarding the television interview with the Chinese Ambassador to Australia Xiao Qian, who gave an interview with ABC Australia yesterday. The first one is that the Ambassador said that he’d welcome a meeting between the Chinese and Australian leaders under the right conditions. So my question to the foreign ministry is what are those conditions? What constitutes the right conditions? My second question in relation to the same interview is that the Ambassador said that the CPC has broad support in China. What is the metric for showing that?
Mao Ning: On your first question,the sound and steady development of China-Australia relations is in the shared interest of both countries and peoples and conducive to peace, stability, development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. China stands ready to follow the principle of mutual respect and mutual benefit and work with Australia to steadily advance bilateral relations along the track of comprehensive strategic partnership and bring benefits to the two peoples. As for a meeting between the leaders, I have nothing to share.
On your second question, in my reply to the previous journalist’s question, I mentioned some figures from surveys conducted by institutions in the West, which found that more than 90 percent of Chinese respondents are satisfied with the Party and their government. In 2021, as many as 91 percent of Chinese interviewed said they trust their government. This is rarely seen in the world and fully shows that the CPC has the broad support of the Chinese people.
AFP: It’s actually a follow-up question on the question that Bloomberg just raised. There has been new comments today by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese who said that he would welcome a meeting with the Chinese leader. What’s your opinion on these comments and is a meeting between the two leaders possible in the next few months?
Mao Ning: China values its relations with Australia and is ready to work with Australia to steadily advance bilateral relations along the track of comprehensive strategic partnership. As for the specific question you mentioned, I have no information to offer.
来源:外交部网站 中国驻澳大利亚大使馆
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