CCP技术有限公司(CCP Technologies Limited)是一家致力于食品行业供应链管理的物联网企业,2016年,在澳大利亚证券交易所公开上市(ASX: CT1)。
为此,《澳华财经在线》就相关话题对CCP首席执行官Michael White进行了采访,请他分享了CCP这两年多来取得的成就及对未来的展望。
Welcome Michael to join in ACB News CEO interview, before discussing about specific products and services, would you please give a brief introduction about CCP Technologies Limited and how does the company position itself within the industry?
Michael White:CCP是一家澳交所的上市公司,非常年轻,两年前才开始运营。我们的愿景是成为一家精锐的物联网平台,专注于食品运输关键控制点的管理。在食品供应链领域里,CCP的创始人非常善于运用商业化的技术方案解决问题,并且有着非常丰富的经验。通过先进的物联网(IoT)技术和大数据分析,CCP能够构建一种独特的解决方案,将其应用于食品工业的所有环节,来帮助企业减少食品浪费、自动匹配监管标准、提高食物冷链的运输效率。我们认为,CCP提供的产品应当是一种低成本、易操作的管理工具,可以帮助食品企业监控温度、湿度和位置等关键控制点。CCP的解决方案非常易于实施和操作,这就打破了客户的接受障碍。
CCP技术有限公司(CCP Technologies Limited)首席执行官
CCP Technologies is a listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange. We are a young company which began operations about two years ago. Our vision is to be the IoT Platform of choice for critical control point management in the food industry. The founders of CCP have a long history of commercializing technology solutions to solve problems within the food supply chain. Access to advanced Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and big data analytics has enabled CCP to build a unique solution which can be applied across all sectors of the food industry to reduce food wastage, automate regulatory compliance and improve cold chain efficiencies. We have positioned CCP as a cost effective plug and play approach to monitoring and managing critical control points like temperature, humidity and location. CCP is easy to implement and use; this breaks down the barriers to adoption.
With its industry positioning in mind, what are the major products and services provided by CCP and how can it be differentiated from existing products and solutions?
Michael White:CCP开发了一个享有专利的物联网硬件平台。(通过CCP智能标签)这个平台几乎可以捕捉到任何类型的关键控制点数据,然后通过一系列通信网络(如NB IoT、Cat M1、Sigfox)将这些数据上传至我们的云平台。在云平台上,这些数据将被分类、提炼,为客户进行商业决策提供支持。每一个CCP智能标签都配备了NFC芯片和蓝牙技术,可以使客户通过任何智能设备对本地数据进行访问。
CCP has developed a unique patented IoT hardware platform which can capture virtually any type of critical control point data and move that data across a range of communication networks (like NB IoT, Cat M1, Sigfox) to the cloud where the data is then interpreted as business intelligence. All CCP Smart Tags deploy NFC and Bluetooth to enable local access to data and configurations via any smart device.
Our solution is deployed to monitor the temperature, humidity and door status of coolers, freezers and merchandising cabinets in grocery stores and food service outlets. Other applications include monitoring the temperature and location of food delivery vehicles as well as pallets of perishable goods as they move along the supply chain. CCP Smart Tags continuously monitor shipments of goods across the globe by automatically connecting to LPWAN networks. Notifications can be provided as soon as configured tolerances are breached. This enables proactive rather than reactive management, which in turn leads to reduced food losses and extended product shelf-life. Accurate diagnostics help clients to save refrigeration energy and maintenance costs.
We have noticed that the company’s first target market is the food industry. From a commercial sense, how do you view the market potential and how can the industry and relevant clients potentially benefit from CCP solution? Can you tell us a little about the CCP Clients and the challenges they are facing (how often do they experience a failure/breach of food safety standards? What are the costs?)
Michael White:在世界上所有的工业种类中,食品工业的规模是最大的。而在食品工业的许多方面,都存在着降低成本、改进效率的机会。每年,全世界浪费掉的食物大概占可供人类消费食物的1/3(约12亿吨),这些浪费也包括生产、处理这些食物所需用的能源、水和化学制品。在这些被浪费的食物中,大约有1/4是由于制冷不足或冷链运输失败导致的。另有55%的食物是在零售终端被浪费的,主要是由于储藏温度不达标。现在,食品安全成了一个主流的政治议题。通过延长存储寿命和减少浪费来改善食品供给已成为全球关注的焦点。新南威尔士州政府在最新出具的报告中提到,如果食品浪费减少5%,那么每年在供应链上的花费将会节省10亿澳元。因此,CCP解决方案的潜力巨大。
The food industry is the world’s largest industry and there are many opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiencies. Every year the world wastes about a third of all food for human consumption (around 1.2 billion tonnes), along with all the energy, water and chemicals needed to produce it and dispose of it. Almost one quarter of this waste is due to deficient refrigeration or a cold chain failure. About 55% of food is wasted at the retail end due to temperature violations. Food security is now a mainstream political issue. Boosting food availability through better shelf life and reducing waste has now become a global focus. In a recent NSW Government report it was estimated that 5% reduction in food waste would result in a $1 billion annual saving in the supply chain. So the potential for CCP’s solution is substantial.
Can you tell us a little about the CCP Clients and the challenges they are facing (how often do they experience a failure/breach of food safety standards? What are the costs?)
Michael White:基于汇总的客户数据,我们知道每年大概会有4.9%的冷却器和冷冻柜出现故障。由这些故障引发的损失可能达数万澳元。在使用CCP的解决方案后,我们的许多客户避免了此类事故的出现,由此减少了损失。
Based on aggregate client data, we know that 4.9% of the coolers and freezers will fail each year. The costs associated with these failures can be tens of thousands of dollars. By averting these failures, many of our clients have saved more than the cost of the CCP solution through one event.
CCP now has over 100 clients across Australia, North America and SE Asia. Most have multiple sites with many Smart Tags installed. In the US we have a number of large Las Vegas casinos using CCP to ensure they are always in compliance with tight food safety regulations. Non-compliance would have a substantial impact on brand reputation.
Whilst food safety regulations are stringent in many countries, we still find that most food businesses use manual methods to monitor the condition of food in order to meet their compliance obligations. Generally, CCP is well received because it is simple to install, low cost and provides easy access to data via mobile and web applications.
You have more than 20 years executive experience in cold chain management and brings global food industry connections, also has a track record of successfully developing technology businesses in food production and supply chain management across Asia Pacific and North America. From your view point, what is the major challenges for the food industry in Australia and globally, especially for the food export in cold chain management?
Michael White:当知道世界上有超过1/3的食物被浪费时,一股强烈的驱动力促使我开发一种可靠、具备成本优势的技术来帮忙解决这个问题。当全球人口不断增加、资源越来越稀缺时,全世界都应该将目光聚焦于如何通过延长食物的存储寿命和减少浪费来保障食品供应。
Knowing that over one third of the world’s food production is wasted strongly motivates me to develop reliable cost effective technology to help address this issue. Boosting food availability by extending shelf-life and reducing waste must become a global focus given population growth and the increasing pressure this places on the world’s limited resources.
不幸的是,当我们试图更好地对资源进行利用时,我们也不得不面对其他挑战,比如非法和有违道德的食品生产。这种行为在海产品行业尤其突出,这是公认的。在海产品行业中,很大一部分捕捞来自非法所得。在这一方面,新技术,比如物联网和区块链的结合运用,就大有可为。新技术的应用可以使整个供应链变得可追溯,并能使整个过程变得更加透明。目前,CCP正与Penta Global等商业伙伴进行合作,对供应链的表现展开评估,对供应链的可追溯性和透明度进行改进,使跨供应链的数据访问更加简单易行。
Unfortunately, as we try to better manage the world’s resources, we are faced with other challenges such as illegal and unethical food production. This is widely recognized to occur in the seafood industry where a significant proportion of the fishery catch is obtained in contravention of fisheries management regulations. This is where new technologies including IoT in combination with Blockchain can help by providing full supply chain traceability and transparency. CCP is now working with partners like Penta Global to validate supply chain performance and improve traceability, transparency and data access from end-to-end across food supply chains.
What is your view on the role which fast-developing technology such as IoT, Blockchain, Big Data apply play in the food industry? how does the CCP enhance its industry leading position through the R&D?
Michael White:我相信,在全球食品供应链管理中,通过无线网络对关键控制点数据进行捕获将具有越来越重要的作用。这是通过对物联网、大数据和区块链技术的有效应用实现的。这些数据,或者从这些数据中提炼出的信息,可以帮助食品供应链的所有参与者减少浪费、延长食品存储寿命、提高能源使用效率并获得许多其他益处。
I believe that the automated wireless capture of critical control point data – which is achieved through the effective implementation of IoT, Big Data and Blockchain technologies – will play an increasingly critical role in global food supply chain management. Access to this data, or rather the business intelligence which is interpreted from this data, allows all participants in the food supply chain to benefit from reduced wastage, extended shelf-life, improved energy efficiency, and many other advantages which cannot be achieved without this data.
CCP has a clear innovation pathway which leads to the capture of any type of critical control point data and delivery of this data across communication methods which provide ubiquitous uninterrupted connectivity to the Cloud where this data continuously generates valuable business intelligence. One of the key areas of development for CCP is the integration of validated data to the Blockchain to provide enhanced supply chain traceability and transparency.
From the 2018 annual report of CCP, it states that the CCP business trajectory towards sustainability, can you give a short summary of the performance of the previous financial year, what are the major achievements?
Michael White:在过去的12个月里,CCP为未来的增长打下了一个坚实的基础。与大部分上市公司不同,当CCP(在2016年9月)上市时,我们的产品和服务才刚刚起步,除此之外,我们拥有的只是一个商业计划。在最初的6个月里,我们组建了一个团队,完成了产品测试,并生产了几千个第一代智能标签。去年年初,我们开始进行销售,现在我们已经获得了超过95万澳元的客户合同。目前,我们的现金收入在稳步上升,净现金流出也在逐渐下降。现在,我们的研发团队已经研制出了新一代智能标签。这代智能标签是可以充电的,可以使用移动电话进行配置,并可以连接到世界各地的通信网络。我们的大数据平台提供了实时动态和数据可视化分析,客户可以通过在线或移动程序进行访问。9月份,我们共处理了850万个数据点。我们的团队成员具有超高的技能和忠诚度。我为我们的成就感到非常自豪。我们都为CCP的未来感到兴奋。

Over the past 12 months, CCP has established a solid foundation for more rapid growth. Unlike most other public companies, when CCP listed (in September 2016) we only had a proof of concept product and service offering and a business plan. During the first six months we built a team, finalised product testing and produced a few thousand first generation Smart Tags. Sales began early last year and we have now secured over $950,000 in customer contracts. Cash revenues are steadily rising and we are now seeing a reduction in net cash burn. Our R&D effort has now delivered a next generation Smart Tag which is rechargeable, can be configured by tapping with a mobile phone and can connect to a variety of communication networks anywhere in the world. Our big data platform provides current status and analytics dashboards and can be accessed through web or mobile applications. For the month of September we processed 8.5 million data points. I am very proud of the achievements of our highly skilled and committed team members. We are all excited about the future of CCP.
Business strategy is important for a company, what is the key components in the CCP mid-term strategy?
Michael White:我们的中期战略集中在三个领域:营销和销售、伙伴关系及技术创新。
Our mid-term strategies focus on three key areas including sales and marketing, partnerships and technology innovation.
Sales in Australia, North America and Asia are steadily growing. Recently we formed a joint venture in the US to gain access to a niche customer base which can deliver a particularly high margin due to its specific monitoring requirements. We will be actively seeking strategic partners in Asia to support our push into this market. We understand the important role which local knowledge and relationships will play in order to achieve success in this large market. Partners could include refrigeration service providers, logistics companies and even food companies such as distributors and processors.
Our innovation pathway will aim to underpin scalability and enhance our solution capabilities whilst simplifying their implementation and operational use. We will be seeking to increase the ROI for our customers, and at the same time, reduce support requirements.
How do you see the overseas markets such as China, is there any plan related to the CCP business expansions to China? supposed that the company is going to build a collaboration relationship with external business partners, what kind of the business partners would be the idea one that company might be interested?
Michael White:我们认为在不久的将来,中国将是CCP一个非常重要的市场。我们与亚洲的合作是从新加坡开始的。我们在新加坡有一个指定的渠道合作伙伴。最近,他们已同几家大型食品公司和食品分销企业开始了试验性合作。现在,我们正在寻求建立战略合作伙伴关系,为我们进入中国市场做准备。上个月,一家中国财团通过私募股权的方式对CCP进行了投资。为了进入中国市场,我们对所有战略结盟的想法都持开放态度。我们寻找的合作伙伴可能来自于食品工业的各个领域,包括服务提供商,比如保险公司、物流服务公司、分销商、贸易公司,甚至技术提供商。
We consider China to be a very important market for CCP in the near future. We started our engagement with Asia by appointing a channel partner in Singapore, and they have recently commenced customer trials with several large food and distribution businesses. We are now forming strategic relationships to help us engage in the Chinese market. To that end, a Chinese consortium made an investment in CCP through a private placement last month. We are open to discussions around strategic partnerships and investment to support expansion into the Chinese market. These partners could come from any part of the food industry, including service provides such as insurance companies, logistics providers, distributors, trading companies and even technology providers.
Lastly – as a professional in food production and supply chain business, what are some of your favorite dishes?
Michael White:我是一个均衡膳食的坚定拥护者,我尝试过很多食物!由于在农场长大,从前,我对一盘上好牛排的诱惑总是难以抗拒。但现在我要说的是,我喜爱的绝大部分食物都来自海洋。烧烤架上的澳洲龙鱼真是让人无法抵挡。
I’m a firm believer in a balanced diet and I’ve tried most things! Having grown up on a farm I’ve always enjoyed a good steak. But I would say now that most of my favourite dishes would come from the sea. Barramundi on the BBQ is pretty hard to beat.
注: 关键控制点是指供应链中的一些节点。如果对这些节点的标准操作出现失误,可能会对相关人员和企业的声誉及底线造成严重损害。标准关键控制点包括温度、能量、环境(如空气和水的质量、pH值、化学品、噪音、声音和气体)及移动。
Key words:
Cold chain , Food industry , Achievements , Business plan Products / Services/ strength / solutions / industry forecast
Challenge &opportunity Food industry
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