Airwallex partners with powerhouse entrepreneur Naomi Simson to empower Australian SMBs to scale
Key points :
●Airwallex partners with renowned Australian entrepreneur and Shark Tank investor Naomi Simson to help SMBs build their businesses for scale and grow successfully
●The partnership’s theme, ‘Choose Growth’, focuses on key business growth challenges including growing a customer base, cashflow, leadership and talent
ACB News, 11th July 2021 Sydney Report , Leading global fintech platform, Airwallex this Friday announced its partnership with renowned Australian entrepreneur and Shark Tank investor Naomi Simson. The two have joined forces to launch a “Choose Growth” campaign aimed at empowering small-medium sized businesses (SMBs) as they look to scale their business operations. Through this campaign, Australian businesses will be able to draw on advice and insights that can facilitate their growth strategy as they contribute to the global economy.
Over the past year, SMBs have been met with numerous obstacles amid the global pandemic. Economic slowdown, market uncertainty and rapidly changing customer demands have resulted in a dramatic shift in the business landscape.
The campaign theme of ‘Choose Growth’ with Naomi Simson aims to provide SMBs with the tools to tackle these challenges, including growing their customer base and cashflow, while also enhancing leadership and talent.
With a passion to support the startup community and foster innovation, Naomi is considered the ‘godmother of Australian small businesses’ and boasts more than 20 years’ experience featuring an impressive catalogue of successful business ventures.
In 2001, Naomi founded leading online experience retailer RedBalloon, later co-founding the Big Red Group and appearing as investor on the Australian production of hit worldwide television show, Shark Tank.
Over the coming months, Airwallex is partnering with Naomi on a series of virtual and in-person events, advice guides and one-on-one sessions for SMBs. These sessions will combine Naomi’s own experience in building and supporting businesses from the ground-up, with Airwallex’s passion to help businesses operate anywhere, anytime.
Details about Airwallex’s partnership with Naomi Simson can be found by visiting:
Naomi Simson, Entrepreneur and Co-founder at Big Red Group, said, “Our personal worlds may have become smaller with lockdowns and border restrictions, but the opposite is true for SMBs. Many businesses have grown successfully by expanding online, reaching new customers and extending into international markets. Now is the time to choose growth.
“A practical understanding on how to grow remains a key roadblock for business leaders, alongside time and resource constraints. I’m always asking the businesses I work with: What are you doing today to invest in the future of your business?”
“I’m pleased to partner with Airwallex, an organisation whose passion for helping businesses grow is so inline with my own. I can’t wait to combine what I’ve learnt building my businesses with Airwallex’s practical expertise on how to scale internationally.”
Vijay Raghvani, Head of Customer Experience at Airwallex said, “This partnership is a first for Airwallex and we couldn’t be more delighted. As one of Australia’s leading business figures and with so much wisdom to share, Naomi’s reputation among the SMB community is unparalleled.
“Businesses today face a number of competing priorities: How do you balance meeting the needs of existing customers, reach new ones, maintain cash flow, excel as a leader and attract talent, all at once?
“To help businesses, we’re excited to combine our experience alleviating global roadblocks like opening accounts overseas, high FX fees on foreign transactions and employee expense management, with Naomi’s proven track record of building and scaling businesses. Together, we hope to foster the next generation of successful entrepreneurs.”
Established in Melbourne in 2015, Airwallex has become a global fintech payment platform with a mission to empower businesses of all sizes to grow without borders, and by doing so, contribute to the global economy.
With technology at its core, Airwallex has built a global financial infrastructure and platform to help businesses to manage payments, treasury and expenses internationally, without the constraints of the traditional financial system.
Airwallex has secured nearly US$500 million since its inception and is backed by world-leading investors.
Today, the business operates with a team of over 800 employees across 12 global offices. For more information, please visit
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