Xanadu专访(上):“世界需要铜” 哈马戈泰将成全球下一超级铜金矿场 紫金矿业提供完美助力
ACB News《澳华财经在线》8月23日讯 “供应断崖”日渐迫近的情况下,全球铜矿行业正在发生久违的躁动。
Xanadu执行董事会主席Colin Moorhead 先生,整个职业生涯一直投身铜金矿行业,有着极强的技术背景,曾长期担任纽克雷斯特技术部门主管,作为创始管理团队成员,全程推动著名的卡迪亚谷超级铜金矿场开发,而他曾任首席执行官的Merdeka铜金矿公司股价更是在过去五年上涨超过7倍。
Moorhead 先生近日接受ACB News《高管访谈》栏目视频采访时表示,哈马戈泰不仅仅是一个大规模资源项目,由于具有低ESG风险,相信它将成为全球开发进度领先、率先进入投建阶段的大型铜矿场之一。
Xanadu执行董事会主席Colin Moorhead 先生(图片来源:《澳华财经在线》)
——Xanadu执行董事会主席Colin Moorhead 访谈全文——
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:您的职业生涯始于必和必拓(ASX:BHP),随后在铜金矿业公司Newcrest Mining(ASX:NCM)取得辉煌成绩,最近曾担任Merdeka铜金矿公司(IDX:MDKA)首席执行官,在印度尼西亚成功开发一个项目,而Merdeka股价在过去5年上涨713%,可谓大放异彩。首先能谈谈您的职业背景吗?该背景是如何影响您对Xanadu仙乐都矿业的领导方式的?
Colin Moorhead:我是一名在实践中逐渐培养起来的地质学家,早年曾在两家非常优秀的矿业公司必和必拓和纽克雷斯特的矿山工作,在铜金矿勘探方积累了大量实际工作经验。
随着资历渐长,我开始担任纽克雷斯特Telfer金矿的首席地质学家职务,随后加入卡迪亚谷(Cadia Valley)创始管理团队,参与该项目运营。这是座超级铜金矿项目,包括著名的卡迪亚 Ridgeway以及现在的东卡迪亚巨型矿藏。此后,我前往印尼资源非常丰富的Gosowong金矿工作了一段时间。所以我整个职业生涯一直从事铜金矿行业,可以说有很强的技术背景。
在纽克雷斯特工作期间,我一直对印尼的Tujuh Bukit矿床很感兴趣。2016年我加入Merdeka担任该公司首任CEO,主要负责在Tujuh Bukit斑岩铜矿藏上方建设氧化金矿场。矿场的建设非常成功,帮助Merdeka获得大量基础现金流,为公司最终飞跃式发展提供重要助力。当时,我们也启动了Tujuh Bukit的概略研究和预可研(PFS)。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:今年4月,Xanadu宣布与紫金矿业建立战略合作伙伴关系,紫金矿业将分三个阶段对仙乐都及哈马戈泰项目进行投资,并计划与Xanadu成立合资企业共同开发哈马戈泰项目。请您详细介绍一下这项合作交易,以及这项合作关系对Xanadu的项目开发有何益处?
Colin Moorhead:对于像Xanadu这样的小公司而言,最大的挑战之一就是在获得像哈马戈泰这样一个大项目后,如何获取融资并开展矿场建设,“这就像抓着老虎尾巴”。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:哈马戈泰铜金矿项目的概略研究已在今年4月发布。您能否简要总结一下这项概略研究涉及哪些关键内容?可否从财务角度谈谈?
Colin Moorhead:从定义上说,概略研究是指一个项目通过开发可以达到怎样的成果,预可行性研究是应该怎样开发这个项目,而可行性研究是将要采取的具体步骤。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:您提到哈马戈泰获得周边环境的充分支持,但有媒体评论称哈马戈泰的矿产资源总体品位不高,开发环境和开发条件具有挑战性。可否谈谈你对这些评论的看法?
Colin Moorhead:矿石品位很受关注,但品位并不是利润的唯一驱动因素。在采矿作业上真正重要的是每吨利润。资源规模和黄金副产品都是哈马戈泰的加分项。单纯从铜的角度看,它矿石品位是比较低,但与一些大型矿山(如东卡迪亚和奥尤陶勒盖)处理的矿石相比,品位已经非常好了。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:您多次提到ESG,ESG在矿业领域是一个非常受欢迎和非常必要的话题。你能从ESG的角度谈谈Xanadu独特之处吗?
Colin Moorhead:我相信进行采矿作业只有一种正确方法,那就是始终对环境、社会和社区问题给予最高关注。如今ESG已成为一个热门话题,但对我来说,它意味着在员工及社区、政府、股东以及财务投资方的诉求和需求之间取得平衡。每个人都希望从项目中获得平衡的回报。如果采取的方式正确,项目就会成功,而如果一个方面失败,整个项目可能会失败。这是一个有关平衡之道的练习。
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:Xanadu在蒙古运营着两个铜金矿项目,包括旗舰项目哈马戈泰和初级勘探项目红山。当初加入Xanadu时,是什么吸引你来到蒙古参与这些铜金矿项目?加入Xanadu后,你在蒙古又遇到了哪些挑战?
Colin Moorhead:南戈壁有一些火山带,这些火山带蕴含斑岩和斑岩相关的铜金矿系统,具有很高勘探前景。哈马戈泰即存在这样的斑岩系统,并与卡迪亚项目以及力拓的巨型奥尤陶勒盖(Oyu Tolgoi )项目有很多相似处。它的资源增长潜力,以及在矿化系统中发现高品位矿体的潜力,让我感到非常振奋。世界需要铜,像哈马戈泰和红山这样的项目可在不久的将来产出铜矿以满足市场需求。
我认为蒙古的问题在于它是一个相对较新的民主国家,目前仍在整理采矿法。有人会认为蒙古是一个不稳定的司法管辖区,力拓与蒙古政府之间由于奥尤陶勒盖(Oyu Tolgoi)项目存在持续争议,突显出这一事实。然而在力拓和蒙古政府的共同努力下,相关问题现在已基本解决,从这点可以看出蒙古正努力寻求改善外国投资者的看法,并且该国正努力制定更透明、更具竞争力的采矿法规。
随后我们将发布《Xanadu专访(下):“世界需要铜” 哈马戈泰将成全球下一超级铜金矿场 紫金矿业提供完美助力》,敬请保持关注。
(Part I)
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:You started your career as a BHP graduate and later went on to an illustrious career at copper and gold miner, Newcrest Mining (NCM.ASX), and more recently lead Merdeka Copper Gold (MDKA.IDX) as CEO successfully developing a project in Indonesia. the stock went up 713% in last 5 years. That's amazing, Can you talk through your background and how this has shaped your leadership approach at Xanadu Mines?
Colin Moorhead: Sure, as I said, I'm a geologist by training and my early years were shaped working for very good company in BHP and Newcrest. So I spent a lot of time on the ground in working in both mines and in exploration mostly in copper and gold.
As I became more senior, I held leadership positions at Newcrest Telfer Gold mines Chief geologist and then was on the startup management team for the Cadia Valley operations which included Cadia Ridgeway and the current giant Cadia East deposit.
And after that a stint at the very rich Gosowong gold mine in Indonesia So I've been in copper and gold all my life, with a strong technical background. In 2008 I became the Executive Chair, Executive General Manager of Minerals for Newcrest which is basically responsible for all things geology at Newcrest.
Newcrest had grown to become a large company based on which are grown on innovation and exploration and I was part of that team 8 years at Newcrest leading global exploration and development. So there is hardly a copper or gold deposit in the world that I haven't seen or looked at in some way, shape or form.
I was always interested in the Tujuh Bukit deposit in Indonesia. And in 2016, I joined Merdeka as their inaugural CEO and that job was basically building the oxide gold mine that sits above the Tujuh Bukit porphyry copper deposit. That was a very successful construction and that mine has become the base cash flow that's made Merdeka very successful. And at that time we also started the scoping study and PFS in Tujuh Bukit.
So I come from a sort of a broad technical background with deep understanding of porphyry copper deposits and I have good experience in Australia and in Asia in developing and operating mines.
So that's shaped my views of Xanadu. Xanadu is very similar in many ways to Cadia. It's in a porphyry copper belt that has potential for very large porphyry systems and I was able to visit Kharmagtai in the South Gobi just prior to Covid sitting in and what struck me was there was some very relatively high grade components to the system and I felt that If we could resolve those high grade components we could We could turn this operation into something that would eventually be constructed.
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:This April, Xanadu announced that a strategic partnership has been built up between Zijin Mining and Xanadu and Zijin will invest in Xanadu and its Kharmagtai project through 3 stages, Eventually create a Joint venture to develop the Kharmagtai project. Can you please give more details about the partnership. How does the partnership benefit Xanadu’s project development?
Colin Moorhead: Of course, yes. One of the largest challenges for a small company like Xanadu when it gets hold of a big project like Kharmagtai. it's like having the tiger by the tail, you know, So how do you finance and construct a large project. Xanadu brings serious technical and exploration expertise. Zijin brings a strong balance sheet and clear and demonstrated capability to construct and operate large scale copper operations. So it's a perfect marriage of need and know how And I think together we can we can move this project forward whereas it's very difficult for a junior company to find the financiers required to build such a large scale operation. The deal itself involves Zijin investing at the Xanadu at the listed company level up to 19.9% at an agreed share price, which gives them a significant stake in the company they will be the company's largest shareholder. At the project level, Zijin will be investing $35 million US dollar in at the project level, which is more than enough to fund the project through its next phase, Which is the pre-feasibility phase. That will involve approximately 7 to 10 million dollars worth of drilling. And that much again in studies around metallurgy, geotechnical and all those things And we'll also seek go forward with the permitting and approvals process, so we have enough money now to fund ourselves up to that decision to mine, Which is one of the major hurdles for a junior company with large projects, So not only is Kharmagtai is a good project,it's also well-funded to that decision to mine and I believe will be due to its low ESG risks will be one of the next major copper mines to be constructed in the world.
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:Scoping study for Kharmagtai Copper-Gold project was released in April. Could you please briefly summarize scoping study project metrics? Could you please talk through scoping study from a financial point of view?
Colin Moorhead: Sure, so by definition, a scoping study is what you could do with a project and Pre-feasibility study is what you should do and then a feasibility study is what you will do. So scoping study. Okay, we've got, you know a billion tonnes that contains three million tonnes of copper and 8 million ounces of gold so a large deposit with potential to grow even further. But for the sake of this exercise we ruled our line under it at 1.1 billion tonnes.
So what can we do of this and the outcome of that study was a very large, vanilla open-pit operation based on normal truck and shovel operation so standard technology extracting approximately 700 to 800 million tonnes of that resource over a 30-year period initially feeding a 15 million tonnes per annum copper flotation circuit ramping to a thirty million tonnes per annum circuit after the initial payback period. That gives us a mine that produces 35 to 50 thousand tonnes of copper per annum and over one hundred thousand ounces of gold per annum over a 30-year mine life.
And that's before we add any technical risk. In terms of new technologies to bring the cost down, or the production up which I can talk about a little bit in a minute. So the outcome of that was an operation that had an upfront capital of approximately 600 million dollars which is large for a small company like us which is why we needed Zijin in there.
And a NPV, based on a four dollar copper price of about 600 million. So quite a good capital efficiency ratio, Importantly due to the gold by-product credits. Quite a low overall sustaining cost of producing copper initially in the first five year period,first quartile and over the life of mine around the median cost per pound of copper produced.
So it's a low-cost long life mine once it's built that is based on very low technical and very low ESG risk. And what that means is due to the strong support of infrastructure in the area. We have power, we have water, we have road, we have rail, we have. The Mongolian government has been investing a lot in infrastructure in that part of the world particularly in terms of railing standard in China.
So we will be producing a copper concentrate. It's very clean has very little arsenic and fluorine and other impurities. So it's a very nice concentrate which can be exported south to smelters in China with a very low transport costs so in many ways it's a very strong project.
It does have the upsides of, at the moment the oxide material that sits above the sulphide is considered waste in our model. A very low strip ratio less than 1:1. So less than one tonne of waste for every one tonne of ore. And at the moment that oxide material is waste. We believe, based on leach testing results that we can recover copper and gold from that material. That will turn that waste liability into an opportunity. So there's potential to add serious value by processing the oxide.
We are also able to look at in-pit crush and convey technologies to get the haulage cost down then also coarse particle flotation and ore sorting to improve the grade to the mill. So all of those opportunities are yet to be built into that scenario. So it's already an attractive project. We believe we can make it more attractive and, of course, there’s exploration upside. We still believe that there's potential at depth to support higher grade mineralization which could be a future underground mine. So we see it as a, you know a very exciting project at this point in time.
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:It's interesting that you mentioned that Kharmagtai project has enough support from the surrounding environment and there are media comments that the overall grade of the mine resource in the Kharmagtai project is not very high and the development environment and conditions are challenging. Can you please share your thoughts on those comments?
Colin Moorhead: Sure, in terms of grade you know people look at grade, but grade isn't the only driver of margin and what you really need in a mining operation is margin per tonne. So this project works on scale and on by-product credits. So, on a pure copper basis we’re reasonably low grade but we compare very well to the grades being treated at some of the big mines, such as Cadia East and Oyu Tolgoi at the moment.
But what drives this thing is the amount of gold that comes with the copper. So if you have the scale, the economies of scale and the byproduct credits you can actually generate a very good margin per tonne. So it's a bit of a falsehood looking at just grade.
I was involved in the Cadia project which started up in the late 1990s and everybody said that was too low grade to work and it worked on the same basis scale and by-product credits and was one of the most successful mines of the early 2000s. The other thing that made Cadia great and the Oyu Tolgoi great was subsequent discoveries of high-grade material.
In the case of Cadia and Ridgeway, and the case of Oyu Tolgoi if you go south you know there's real potential here. So I think looking at just grade is not a sensible way to evaluate projects. You need to look at margin per tonne and return on investment. The beauty of Kharmagtai. you say it's a challenging environment, but you know I'm a bloke that spent his career building mines in the mountains of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Give me a flat sparsely populated seismically stable part of the world anywhere and I'd rather build a mine there.
So, from an ESG risk point of view, the biggest problem facing new mine developments is how do you manage your waste and your tailings, You know,in mountainous terrain and with active seismicity. well, we don't have any of those problems. We will be building a common vanilla tailing storage facility common vanilla waste dumps and I think that is very attractive in a world that is increasingly focused on those sorts of risks As they should be.
ACB News《澳华财经在线》:You mentioned ESG several times in this interview and we know ESG is a very popular and very necessary topic these days in the mining sector. Can you talk about key differentiating factors about Xanadu ESG Perspective?
Colin Moorhead: sure, you know. I believe there is only one way to do the mining and that's the right way which is with the highest regard to environment social and community issues and that's always been the case. It's become a bit trendy and popular these days but to me that means balancing your employees needs and wants with the community and government with your shareholders and financiers. so everybody needs a balanced return from a project and if you get that right the project will succeed. If you get one of those things wrong the project will probably fall over. So it's a balancing exercise.
The advantages of Kharmagtai in particular has, is that, It’s in a mining region. It’s in Tsogttsetsii soum, which has the giant Oyu Tolgoi copper gold mine owned by Rio Tinto and it also has the Tavan Tolgoi coal deposits. It's well supported by infrastructure and there is a strong mining culture in that part of that country and the people are well educated and well trained and seeking to those jobs and economic benefit that comes from the mines it's a delicate ecosystem and needs to be respected, but it's not one that can't be managed relatively easily.
As I said we're not in the mountains somewhere not in high seismic, high rainfall terrain. We're in flat ground which makes the risks just lower, so, as I said we can manage our waste and tailings much better.
One thing that differentiates Xanadu from other exploration companies is, we do have a sustainability report. We've just published our second. Most exploration companies don't have these. Most operating companies do. So we've started early and put a sustainability report out. And I would point your listeners and readers to that report because it is actually quite a good document with good case studies on what we're doing to support the local community and what we are doing to manage safety and environment in our project. But I think we are well placed to build a contemporary low carbon footprint sustainable operation in the South Gobi, And I think it's projects like Kharmagtai that will be constructed to supply the copper, the copper needs of the globe going forward.
ACB News《澳华财经在线》: So Xanadu operates two Copper-Gold projects in Mongolia flagship project – Kharmagtai Project and Red Mountain project. When you joined Xanadu, what was it that attracted you to these Copper-Gold projects in Mongolia? Right Since you've been involved with Xanadu, what in country challenges have you faced?
Colin Moorhead: As I said before, it's the South Gobi contains some volcanic belts that are highly prospective for porphyry and porphyry related copper-gold deposits. At Kharmagtai I saw a system that has a lot of similarities to Cadia and a lot of similarities to the giant Oyu Tolgoi project which is a Rio Tinto project that I felt that, you know, that growth potential as well as the potential for high grade components to the system, was very exciting. the world needs copper and I feel that it's projects like Kharmagtai and possibly Red Mountain that will provide the copper into the near future.
It's an interesting country, of course being landlocked between Russia and China. Probably the biggest challenge is not so much the normal challenges. The normal challenges, people Issues associated with ESG and infrastructure most copper projects around the world have those challenges. Not so much in Mongolia. I think Mongolia's problem is a relatively new democracy is that they're still sorting out their mining law. So there was perceptions that Mongolia was an unstable political jurisdiction. Highlighted by the fact that there was an ongoing dispute between Rio Tinto on the Oyu Tolgoi project and the Government of Mongolia. That has largely resolved itself now which I think is a credit to both Rio Tinto and the Government of Mongolia.
And when you look past that, I think Mongolia is really looking to improve their perceptions around foreign investment into Mongolia, and I believe working towards a more transparent and competitive mining codes. So it's really in terms of financing. You need stability and clarity and you know, there's been perceptions that it’s been lacking in the past. But I feel Mongolia is very quickly moving in the right direction and will be a major copper jurisdiction moving forward.
(To be continued)
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- 【3.26】今日财经时讯及重要市场资讯
- 澳大利亚政府发布2025-26财年预算 聚焦新一轮减税、经济增长与民生改善等六大主题
- 澳洲收入最高1%人群年收入须达37万澳元 收入超53万澳元将超越99%家庭
- FMG股价一年跌幅近40% 瑞银认为或存在超卖现象
- 纽约商品交易所(COMEX)铜价逼近历史高位 铜市最著名多头预言家预测铜价涨至1.2-1.3万美元/吨
- 【3.27】今日财经时讯及重要市场资讯
- 传闻赤峰黄金参与昆州Ravenswood金矿第二轮竞标
- 美国宣布对所有进口汽车征收25%关税 澳洲股市汽车股周四早盘回落
- 【异动股】电池阳极材料公司Ecograf (ASX:EGR)短期涨幅惊人 股价飙升2倍 Epanko项目石墨开采加工获进展
- 【异动股】Prospect Resources (ASX:PSC)赞比亚Mumbezhi铜项目获颁大规模采矿许可证
- 紫金矿业Xanadu Mines (ASX:XAM)合资Kharmagtai铜金矿项目迎价值拐点 五条路径当前XAM何去何从?
- 美股市场量子计算机概念卷土重来 D-Wave Quantum(QBTS)上周股价反弹近一倍
- Larvotto Resources (ASX: LRV)加速推进澳洲最大锑矿项目开发 中国实施锑出口管控后股价涨幅逾十倍